A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library. ~Shelby Foote

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


The Jourtinel came out against the Racine Unified School District Referendum, the vote for which is occuring at this very moment. Honestly, I can only think of one other time the Jourtinel has EVER endorsed a NO vote on a spending referendum. How bad does your referendum have to be to get the Jourtinel to advise against it?

God awful terrible, I would say. Shoot yourself in the foot repeatedly bad. Rock the boat in stormy seas horrific. Really, really, really bad.


Sadly, I doubt that even the Jourtinel's recognition of RUSD's totally inept administration (as opposed to the actual teaching-- which is generally very good) will be enough to stop the referendum. The school's have been very unsubtle about making sure that every student reports home and badgers their parents to vote YES, and the mysterious 527 group Education Racine (the roots of which remain shrouded in mystery) plastered the area with misleading vote YES fliers.

But I can hope.


Totally off topic, I realize, but I had a chuckle when I saw "The school's have been very unsubtle about making sure that every student reports home and badgers their parents to vote YES" typed out on the screen. Talking about school and education and all and you've got "school's" instead of "schools." No possesive there NW.

I know, I know, get a life. I'm trying but it's hard sometimes.
Yeah, yeah-- grocer's apostrophe. I blow that one all the time. It's a hard one to catch when you self-edit.

My bad-- sorry.
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