A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library. ~Shelby Foote

Thursday, October 20, 2005

OTIT: Churchill yet again

No, not Winston. Ward. Bother. It bothers me some that he is getting paid to wander the country blathering his bigotry, but that's America. I will defend to my death your right to say things that offend me. It's how things work here. I just wish it worked BOTH ways. For all that many on the left are screaming about the rising anti-intellectualism in America, how come it seems that a lot of the dissent being crushed these days is coming from the right?

Case in point: Depaul University. Check it out and sigh mightily.

Speaking of Winston, though, I did find this post interesting. The times they are indeed changing, but that hoary old saying about not descending to your opponents level has some validity folks. If we decry the torture and murder of innocents by jihadists, but then torture folks that we merely suspect might not be innocent, where is our moral standing?

Better that an indeterminate number of guilty men go free than that one innocent man is imprisoned.
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