A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library. ~Shelby Foote

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fall TV Lineup

Well, so far what I've seen of the upcoming new shows looks pretty weak. On the plus side, Jennifer Love Hewitt will be on this fall:

in a show called Ghost Whisperer. Looks pretty stupid, but it has paranormal activity going on, so who knows what our intrepid, and ridiculously sexy, main character will be up to... but I'm willing to find out.

The only other show that I'm even remotely curious about is E-ring. Mostly because Dennis Hopper can be excellent.
if you would break down and get cable ..... you might actually watch shows worth watching

rescue me, entourage, and monk are high quality shows

and while i have only seen one episode of each.. weeds and its always sunny in philadelphia show promise

too bad your school district raised your taxes ...you wont be able to afford good TV anytime soon

i guess i will just have to deal with your whining for another year
Nick, I must say that the gratuitous shot of Jennifer Love Hewitt is an excellent TMQ-type insert. Keep it up!
And Gym is right on all the shows he listed, but he forgot to add Over There, which everyone who wants to have an opinion about the Iraq war should watch.
I have cable. Just not very much of it. My school district raised taxes so they wouldn't have to cut sports. So, now they're cutting sports. Nice. I think I may have to expand on that in a column.

And I don't believe I've ever whined about my TV-- you just assume that I must because you find it impossible to conceive of people being happy without access to 6 million channels. I am fine with my TV access, really, because I don't watch that much. I was merely commenting that most of the non-cable lineup looks pretty lousy this year. And to find a spurious reason to include a gratituous shot of Jennifer Love Hewitt. Mission accomplished.

I mean, I whine enough about actual stuff, you shouldn't have to make me into a whiner about something I don't care about, dude. Indeed, I may have to whine about my school district some more. Yes, I definitely feel a whine coming on over that.
"so far what ive seen of the upcoming new shows looks pretty weak".........

on what planet is that not considered to be whining????

what part of that sounds like a guy that is happy with his TV access??
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