A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library. ~Shelby Foote

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Eats, Shoots, Leaves-- Sports Edition

I am more and more wondering if the sports "writers" of the world, particularly the online ones, really understand how the English language is supposed to work. Here is an interesting tidbit from a recent Sportsline NFL story:

Ah well, maybe someday writers will either remember, or learn, how to write. Could happen.

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Bottom Line: Evolution will never be proven as the origin of the species. It is impossible to prove. As is the big bang. They make wonderful theories, but, short of inventing a time machine, these theories will never be proven.

Now many may say the same thing about Intelligent Design. That's where, possibly, 'they' would be wrong. When you die, and either the angels or the aliens come for you, then you'll know.

In the meantime, the evolution freaks need to stop imitating the Spanish Inquisition, relax, and get back to an open and honest search for the truth.
Tsk, tsk. Your fundamentalism is showing, John. :-) There are a few evolution freaks that need to stop imitating the Spanish Inquisition, yes. But there are many more who simply fear that ID is just another attempt to substitute religion for science.

And there are some ID freaks that no doubt have that as their goal. Evolution is not a bad theory-- but as Corribus notes, it doesn't attempt to explain why life exists.

Basically, my point is, Can't we all just get along? And, unlike fanatical Islam and the rest of the known world, I think the answer is, yes. If we can all get over our preconceptions and intolerances.
Also-- why did you post this under this topic?
"Also-- why did you post this under this topic?"

Er, my design was not that intelligent? Illegal aliens stole my computer in mid key stroke? Corby made me?

I, ah, don't know.
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